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<p>I am working as a family mediator since 1997 and have trained as a cross-border mediator at 2012. My basic educational background is psychologist.. I also have a qualification of family therapy. 1998 we (me and my colleagues) established &nbsp;the association for national family mediators called Estonian Association of Mediators ( and I have been a board member since beginning.</p>
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<p>I am working as a family mediator since 1997 and have trained as a cross-border mediator at 2012. My basic educational background is psychologist.. I also have a qualification of family therapy. 1998 we (me and my colleagues) established  the association for national family mediators called Estonian Association of Mediators (<a target="_blank" href=""></a> ) and I have been a board member since beginning.</p>
Basic membership - No proof of ongoing training requirements