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<p>Lillian van Wesemael is a Certified Mediator since 2000 and accredited for Court annexed Mediations. She is specialised in High Conflict Cases and in intercultural Mediations. In 2009 she was selected and trained for the Dutch pool of Cross Border Mediators (Centrum IKO) and in 2011 for the EU. She has mediated in cases involving around 20 countries in Europe and Latin America f.e. on international parenting plans/contact arrangements, custody matters, abduction cases, relocation. She is specialised in putting the focus on children during a mediation. As a child expert she has had a child interview with over 100 children. Furthermore she is a trainer at an international level f.e. on mediating in Child Abduction cases (Berlin), putting the focus on children in national and international mediations (Brussels, Berlin, Madrid, the Netherlands) and Parental Plans (Madrid, the Netherlands).</p> <p>She is Guardian ad Litem for the Court and High Court in The Hague in domestic and in Child Abduction cases.</p>
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