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As a lawyer and a mediator I am well aware of the conseqences of seperation, espacially when children are involved. As a lawyer I noticed that a procedure in court often does not lead to the desired solotion for parents or children. In The Netherlands most lawyers have specialized in a certain field and train to make sure they can give the beste advise possible. To become specialized I joined the Family Lawyers and Mediators association and participated in their 3 year training. I succesfilm passed the examen for the legal aspects of divorce and family law and the full family mediation training. My first international parental child abduction case as a lawyer was in 2004. Ever since I have been specializing on the specifics concerning cross border family issues. I have started an organisation for lawyers in The Netherlands who have also specialized in Interantional Parental Child Abduction to improve our specialisme and share knowledge. In 2011 I trained specifically to be a cross border mediator for the Mediation Bureau. All Parental Child Abduction cases in The Netherlands in which parents agree to go to cross border mediation are referred to the Mediation Bureau. In 2014 I extended my training, experience and knowledge by participating in the 50 hour training organized by MIKK in Germany. Ever since, I have become a official European Cross Border Medatior and attend as many trainings as possible organized by Child Focus and other organisations. I am dedicated and believe that all parents wish their children no harm. In cross border conflicts emtions are intense and the fear of losing a child is sometimes overwhelming. However, a child needs both parents and children can only florish in a safe environment in which they can see both their parents. The beauty of cross border mediation is the moment in which parents have been able to set aside their own differences and together found a way to help their child to florish.
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As a lawyer and a mediator I am well aware of the conseqences of seperation, espacially when children are involved. As a lawyer I noticed that a procedure in court often does not lead to the desired solotion for parents or children. In The Netherlands most lawyers have specialized in a certain field and train to make sure they can give the beste advise possible. To become specialized I joined the Family Lawyers and Mediators association and participated in their 3 year training. I succesfilm passed the examen for the legal aspects of divorce and family law and the full family mediation training. My first international parental child abduction case as a lawyer was in 2004. Ever since I have been specializing on the specifics concerning cross border family issues. I have started an organisation for lawyers in The Netherlands who have also specialized in Interantional Parental Child Abduction to improve our specialisme and share knowledge. In 2011 I trained specifically to be a cross border mediator for the Mediation Bureau. All Parental Child Abduction cases in The Netherlands in which parents agree to go to cross border mediation are referred to the Mediation Bureau. In 2014 I extended my training, experience and knowledge by participating in the 50 hour training organized by MIKK in Germany. Ever since, I have become a official European Cross Border Medatior and attend as many trainings as possible organized by Child Focus and other organisations. I am dedicated and believe that all parents wish their children no harm. In cross border conflicts emtions are intense and the fear of losing a child is sometimes overwhelming. However, a child needs both parents and children can only florish in a safe environment in which they can see both their parents. The beauty of cross border mediation is the moment in which parents have been able to set aside their own differences and together found a way to help their child to florish.
Dutch, English
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