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I have been specialising in mediation of high conflict cross-border child custody and contact cases for the past 10 years under the auspices of reunite. I have vast experience of mediating in cases involving both Hague and Non Hague countries. This includes applications brought under the Hague Convention on Child Abduction and Contact 1980, leave to remove, and other issues. I hold a legal aid certificate and therefore am able to undertake mediations funded by the Legal Services Commission. I am able to assess applications for legal aid mediation. I was a member of the Reunite Steering Group which in 2000 established a model for mediating in cases brought under the 1980 Hague Convention. I mediated in the vast majority of the original cases which fell under the mediation pilot scheme, which proved to be very successful. I sit on the working group for the College of Mediators looking at setting standards for mediating in international children's cases.
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